
Rental accommodation is only available to faculty and staff members of the University of British Columbia for a 1 year fixed-term lease. Students are not eligible.

Village Gate Homes
200-3313 Shrum Lane, Vancouver BC V6S 0C8
Phone: (778) 945.5100
Fax: (604) 569.0954
Email: UBC Faculty & Staff Rental Accommodation

We appreciate your cooperation with our Customer Conduct Policy when corresponding with us or visiting our office.

To apply for our waiting list please fill out the Waitlist Application Form to be eligible for housing. Please note that it is not required to apply more than once. Once you apply for the waitlist (if you meet all necessary criteria mentioned in the waitlist application form above) you will begin receiving a monthly email with all future availability for the coming month.

For general enquiries, please use the form below:

Contact Form